This post might go a little far, but I had a thought and I really wanted to stretch it out. Upon leaving the church, I have heard testimonies from many that go a little something like this:
"Regardless of members who might bug or offend me, regardless of things I may not understand, I believe in the whole Church. So if there's something that's bothering me, I just remind myself that I have received that knowledge for myself that this is the true Church"
To me, this is like a story I once heard about chocolate chip cookies.
A sunday school teacher was making chocolate chip cookies to illustrate her point for a lesson to a group of young kids. She put all the yummy ingredients in and was just about to bake them. The kids were very excited. Then she said "Oh wait, I forgot one ingredient". And put dog poop in the cookie dough and mixed it up. Obviously, the kids didn't want the cookies after that. Now, my conclusion doesn't really align with what the Sunday school teacher was probably trying to say, but consider this. Some people seem to just ignore that thing that may bother them (like the dog poop) with the Church (like "cookies"- to some) and eat the cookies anyway. They seem to think the whole cookie is good, regardless of any dog poop that is in it.
I personally would never eat a cookie with dog poop in it.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Big One
So, John and I FINALLY finished this movie last night. It was alright. I didn't know alot of stuff that was in that movie, particularly about how the government gives money to companies so they can expand, and then out sources their jobs to other countries. Or something like that. All in all, I pretty much thought this movie was mostly about Michael's book tour that he did in 1996 for his book "Downsize This". It was still entertaining, but not as good as his other documentaries that I've seen.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
2nd Amendment

Alright Eric. John and I watched Bowling for Columbine last night by Michael Moore. Even after watching it, I still don't think that Americans should have their guns taken away. But, maybe limit what kinds they can own. I don't think the average person needs a semi-automatic anything. Also, I don't feel that John or I will ever own a gun. There are several extreme republicans we know out here in Lansing that we met through church who carry hand guns on them. To class, to church, to family fun friendly church activities. One time, one of the responsible gun holders had his gun fall out of his pants while playing kickball at a get together. It's a little ridiculous.
There is a quote from this movie that I like- it goes something like this: "when a kid can get a gun and take it to school and kill other kids, there is a problem".
But here is a VERY enjoyable cartoon that was in the movie that I liked.
Tonight, we'll be watching "The Big One" by Michael Moore and we'll let you know how we like it.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
COFFEE!!! - Posted by Amberly
As I sit here drinking my creme brulee blend of foldgers coffee, I stumbled upon this article.
"Good news for coffee lovers. About two years ago, researchers from the University Innsbruck in Austria found caffeinated coffee can temporarily sharpen your focus and memory. After giving volunteers the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee, they observed that their brain activity was increased in two locations—one being the part responsible for memory. Results were observed using MRI technology. Without caffeine, there was no increase in brain activity.
Then, earlier this year, another study published in a leading Neurology journal, found the effects of coffee may be longer lasting — specifically in women. This four-year long study involving about 7000 participants... all participants went through thorough baseline evaluations – cognitive function was tested, along with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other vascular issues. Participants were re-evaluated at the two-year mark, and again at the four year mark.
At the end of the four year period, researchers found that women age 65 and older who drank more than three cups of coffee per day (or the caffeine equivalent in tea) had 33 percent less decline in memory over time than women who drank one cup or less of coffee or tea per day. The results held up even after researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect memory abilities, such as age, education, baseline cognitive function, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, medications, and other chronic illnesses. This caffeine-memory association was not observed in men — the authors hypothesize that perhaps that’s because men and women metabolize caffeine differently.
So if memory problems are a major concern for you, and if you don’t have a medical condition that precludes caffeine, feel free to indulge in a cup or two in the morning to jump-start your brain."
So lets see.... that is 3 out of 4 Word Of Wisdom substances that have been debunked (coffee, tea, alcohol, & tobacco). Coffee, tea and alcohol have now all been proven to be good for your body, in moderation. I'm not putting any bets on tobacco going that direction, but I still enjoy my occassional cigar.
"Good news for coffee lovers. About two years ago, researchers from the University Innsbruck in Austria found caffeinated coffee can temporarily sharpen your focus and memory. After giving volunteers the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee, they observed that their brain activity was increased in two locations—one being the part responsible for memory. Results were observed using MRI technology. Without caffeine, there was no increase in brain activity.
Then, earlier this year, another study published in a leading Neurology journal, found the effects of coffee may be longer lasting — specifically in women. This four-year long study involving about 7000 participants... all participants went through thorough baseline evaluations – cognitive function was tested, along with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other vascular issues. Participants were re-evaluated at the two-year mark, and again at the four year mark.
At the end of the four year period, researchers found that women age 65 and older who drank more than three cups of coffee per day (or the caffeine equivalent in tea) had 33 percent less decline in memory over time than women who drank one cup or less of coffee or tea per day. The results held up even after researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect memory abilities, such as age, education, baseline cognitive function, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, medications, and other chronic illnesses. This caffeine-memory association was not observed in men — the authors hypothesize that perhaps that’s because men and women metabolize caffeine differently.
So if memory problems are a major concern for you, and if you don’t have a medical condition that precludes caffeine, feel free to indulge in a cup or two in the morning to jump-start your brain."
So lets see.... that is 3 out of 4 Word Of Wisdom substances that have been debunked (coffee, tea, alcohol, & tobacco). Coffee, tea and alcohol have now all been proven to be good for your body, in moderation. I'm not putting any bets on tobacco going that direction, but I still enjoy my occassional cigar.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Another dialog...By AMBERLY
I've been having a cool dialog with my brother about my post on Obama, and that stupid video that was made about him. The comments have gotten very interesting and I just wanted to post it here to see if anyone else wanted to shed some light on this topic or comment on our ideas. My brother is a smart man, and although I disagree with him, I still give him credit for actually knowing why he believes the way he does. Many republicans aren't so intellectual.
"Here's my opinion on a couple of your points:
People look at the people Obama associates with to try and determine his character. They do this because his resume is short, almost non-existant. In his 1 year as a senator, he didn't accomplish much, if anything. He went to his pastors' church for 20 years. To think this has not affected his character or the decisions he makes would be an incredibly naive thought. The video was pretty retarded though (no offense to any dis-abled people) and I am ashamed to be politicaly associated with those who created and distributed it.The video did not need to speak to the actions of Bill while in office to discredit Hillary, everyone knows full well that he's a moron. The fact that she is married to him discredits her more than adequitly.
July 7, 2008 7:31 PM
the terrys said...
I think the funniest thing that Mormons can say about Barack, is things relating to judging his character in regards to his church or pastor, when so many Mormons were pulling so hard for Mitt to be president. Could you imagine if Mitt was in McCain's shoes right now? I guarantee you that no Mormon would like, or understand, if everyone judged Mitt on being associated with a sexist, discriminate, and homophobic society.
July 8, 2008 6:34 AM
Brooke said...
Yes, the extreme leftists would go there, but not out of necessity due to a lack of other references to judge his character. If Obama had a resume of similar depth to that of Romney, the pastor would be brought up momentarily, but larger issues regarding his political career would drown out and downplay that association. In regards to Romney being judged as a Mormon, I doubt he would dis-associate himself with the church to become more centrist, as Obama did with his church.
July 8, 2008 12:15 PM
the terrys said...
I don't think so. First of all, people in the public eye are judged CONSTANTLY regardless of their reputation and/or resume. Also, Obama can leave his pastor and that church and still be a Christian. Christian churches, besides Mormonism, are ran differently. Believers choose which church they join by the pastor, or whatever they are called. So, when Obama's pastor said things Obama disagree's with, Obama leaves to find a different pastor. Still a Christian.
And I don't believe Barack left his pastor to become more "centrist", I believe he did so because he disagreed with what his pastor said. Like I have said before, Obama adapts. He's not afraid to change things that aren't going right. Shows good character if you ask me. And I bet if he stayed, conservatives would criticize him for that too, if not even more so. He was pretty much in a loose loose situation due to something he didn't even say. If Mitt left the Church because his Bishop said some weird things, he would be leaving Mormonism all together. Mitt can't leave or disagree with what his Bishop says. If he did leave, he wouldn't be Mormon anymore. However, I bet Mitt would just swallow it and agree with what his Bishop said to appease all the other Mormons.
July 8, 2008 7:21 PM
Brooke said...
The difference is that
1) The coments made by Obamas pastor were not unusual for him, or new in any way. Obama had listened to this for 20 years. Before leaving his flock, Obama tried to dismiss the ramblings by relating him to a crazy old uncle that nobody takes seriously. When that didn't fly, he decided to leave.
2) Most christian churches have only one pastor, and the docterine taught is his/her interpretation only. If people don't agree with that interpretation, they find another church that conforms more with their individual beleifs (or in this case, one that will cater to more voters). This says to me if he is willing to flip on his religious beliefs, why not anything or everything else(as he is doing daily)? Yes, still a christian, but the definition of a christian varies widely. If Romneys bishop said some weird things, he would only need to refer the matter up the chain (stake pres, etc). One bishops wierdness doesn't alter the doctrine of the church as a whole.
3)Yes, presidential candidates are judged constantly. They should be, they are applying for the most important paying job in the world. Obama was in a lose lose situation because he put himself there. His decision doesn't show adaptation, it shows a lack of conviction in his belief system of 20 years. If he's not sure what he believes religiously, philisophicaly, fundamentaly, or (as recent events have shown) politically because the media put pressure on him, he does not have the experiance, maturity, or tenacity it takes to lead the greatest nation this earth has ever seen.
July 8, 2008 10:06 PM
the terrys said...
1) Cool. Fine by me.
2) I still don't believe that Christians finding new pastors to align more with their character, is flipping on their religious beliefs. Obama is still a Christian and still believes in the bible just like he did when he was listening to "Uncle Crazy". I still don't see any difference between the different personalities of a pastor compared to the different personalities of bishops. Bishops get up all the time in sacrament meetings and start "advising" their ward to do things that aren't doctrine at all.
3) First of all, I really don't believe that America is the greatest nation this earth has ever seen anymore. Middle class Americans are having to decide whether they can buy gas to get to work or groceries.
I have no doubt in my mind that Barack is sure what he believes in religiously, fundamentally, and philosophically. Did you know that Mitt used to be pro-choice? And now he's not. He changed his mind. He actually changed his mind a few times about it.But you know what? That's fine by me. I used to be totally republican. And I changed my mind too.
The point is, people are allowed to change their mind on important political views. To me, that shows the ability to have an open mind. This presidential election has had a great influence on my political views as well. When Obama was first announcing that he was going to run for office, I was republican, and didn't think America should have a black president. But once I started researching the candidates, I changed to liberal. I think those who have an open mind, and can decide to vote for the best, and not just because it's whoever is running for their party, are the smartest ones. It really bothers me that republicans are only going to vote for McCain because he's republican. It bothered me when Mormons wanted to vote for Mitt just because he's Mormon. One of my LDS friends out here actually prayed for Mitt to be president. Then those SAME Mormons criticize Obama for changing his mind, when Mitt did the exact same thing.
To me, pulling the "flip flopping" card is an idea borne of desperation. Just one last note though, not to be pulling that same card, I just want you to be aware that just as many people accuse McCain of flip flopping as they do Obama. It's a double sided sword that won't accomplish anything, except petty name calling.
If you don't believe me, here's what McCain has flip flopped about:
"McCain, until recently, was pushing for a reform law that would require conservative groups to reveal their financial donors. But, after fielding protests from evangelical Christians and antiabortion activists, McCain decided a year ago to strip out the provision.McCain in 2000 assailed Bush's proposed tax cuts as a sop to the rich, and a year later, with Bush in office, he voted against those cuts, declaring that "the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle-class Americans." But two years ago, he switched sides and voted to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.
McCain in 1999 said that, "even in the long term," he would not support the repeal of Roe v. Wade because "thousands of young American women would be performing illegal and dangerous operations." But two years ago he said that he now favored repeal because "I don't believe the Supreme Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade."McCain in 2000 was incensed when a pair of Texas businessmen, Sam and Charley Wyly, bankrolled some Bush-friendly TV ads that distorted McCain's record. McCain declared at the time that their "dirty money" did not belong in national politics. But two years ago, McCain decided that their dirty money belonged in his campaign; he took $20,000 and allowed them to chair a McCain fund-raiser. (McCain later had to give back the money, because, it turns out, his new friends are reportedly under federal investigation.)
McCain, who has long deplored negative politics, defended John Kerry in 2004 when the Democratic candidate's war record was being impugned by the Swift Boaters. But today, one of McCain's top advisers is GOP hardball specialist Terry Nelson, who has worked as a consultant with one of the principal Swift Boaters. Nelson also produced the notorious `06 TV ad that implied, in the Tennessee Senate race, that the black Democratic candidate cavorted with white women.
McCain has voted against a federal constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, but last fall, regarding his own state, he supported an Arizona referendum that would have banned gay marriage.McCain in 2006 suggested that creationism was not a fit topic for the schoolroom: "I respect those who think the world was created in seven days. Should it be taught as a science class? Probably not." But he suggested the opposite in 2005 ("all points of view should be presented"), a year ago he was a keynote speaker at a confab sponsored by the Discovery Institute, a prominent creationism advocacy group."
Just so you're aware now that McCain is a flip flopper too."
"Here's my opinion on a couple of your points:
People look at the people Obama associates with to try and determine his character. They do this because his resume is short, almost non-existant. In his 1 year as a senator, he didn't accomplish much, if anything. He went to his pastors' church for 20 years. To think this has not affected his character or the decisions he makes would be an incredibly naive thought. The video was pretty retarded though (no offense to any dis-abled people) and I am ashamed to be politicaly associated with those who created and distributed it.The video did not need to speak to the actions of Bill while in office to discredit Hillary, everyone knows full well that he's a moron. The fact that she is married to him discredits her more than adequitly.
July 7, 2008 7:31 PM
the terrys said...
I think the funniest thing that Mormons can say about Barack, is things relating to judging his character in regards to his church or pastor, when so many Mormons were pulling so hard for Mitt to be president. Could you imagine if Mitt was in McCain's shoes right now? I guarantee you that no Mormon would like, or understand, if everyone judged Mitt on being associated with a sexist, discriminate, and homophobic society.
July 8, 2008 6:34 AM
Brooke said...
Yes, the extreme leftists would go there, but not out of necessity due to a lack of other references to judge his character. If Obama had a resume of similar depth to that of Romney, the pastor would be brought up momentarily, but larger issues regarding his political career would drown out and downplay that association. In regards to Romney being judged as a Mormon, I doubt he would dis-associate himself with the church to become more centrist, as Obama did with his church.
July 8, 2008 12:15 PM
the terrys said...
I don't think so. First of all, people in the public eye are judged CONSTANTLY regardless of their reputation and/or resume. Also, Obama can leave his pastor and that church and still be a Christian. Christian churches, besides Mormonism, are ran differently. Believers choose which church they join by the pastor, or whatever they are called. So, when Obama's pastor said things Obama disagree's with, Obama leaves to find a different pastor. Still a Christian.
And I don't believe Barack left his pastor to become more "centrist", I believe he did so because he disagreed with what his pastor said. Like I have said before, Obama adapts. He's not afraid to change things that aren't going right. Shows good character if you ask me. And I bet if he stayed, conservatives would criticize him for that too, if not even more so. He was pretty much in a loose loose situation due to something he didn't even say. If Mitt left the Church because his Bishop said some weird things, he would be leaving Mormonism all together. Mitt can't leave or disagree with what his Bishop says. If he did leave, he wouldn't be Mormon anymore. However, I bet Mitt would just swallow it and agree with what his Bishop said to appease all the other Mormons.
July 8, 2008 7:21 PM
Brooke said...
The difference is that
1) The coments made by Obamas pastor were not unusual for him, or new in any way. Obama had listened to this for 20 years. Before leaving his flock, Obama tried to dismiss the ramblings by relating him to a crazy old uncle that nobody takes seriously. When that didn't fly, he decided to leave.
2) Most christian churches have only one pastor, and the docterine taught is his/her interpretation only. If people don't agree with that interpretation, they find another church that conforms more with their individual beleifs (or in this case, one that will cater to more voters). This says to me if he is willing to flip on his religious beliefs, why not anything or everything else(as he is doing daily)? Yes, still a christian, but the definition of a christian varies widely. If Romneys bishop said some weird things, he would only need to refer the matter up the chain (stake pres, etc). One bishops wierdness doesn't alter the doctrine of the church as a whole.
3)Yes, presidential candidates are judged constantly. They should be, they are applying for the most important paying job in the world. Obama was in a lose lose situation because he put himself there. His decision doesn't show adaptation, it shows a lack of conviction in his belief system of 20 years. If he's not sure what he believes religiously, philisophicaly, fundamentaly, or (as recent events have shown) politically because the media put pressure on him, he does not have the experiance, maturity, or tenacity it takes to lead the greatest nation this earth has ever seen.
July 8, 2008 10:06 PM
the terrys said...
1) Cool. Fine by me.
2) I still don't believe that Christians finding new pastors to align more with their character, is flipping on their religious beliefs. Obama is still a Christian and still believes in the bible just like he did when he was listening to "Uncle Crazy". I still don't see any difference between the different personalities of a pastor compared to the different personalities of bishops. Bishops get up all the time in sacrament meetings and start "advising" their ward to do things that aren't doctrine at all.
3) First of all, I really don't believe that America is the greatest nation this earth has ever seen anymore. Middle class Americans are having to decide whether they can buy gas to get to work or groceries.
I have no doubt in my mind that Barack is sure what he believes in religiously, fundamentally, and philosophically. Did you know that Mitt used to be pro-choice? And now he's not. He changed his mind. He actually changed his mind a few times about it.But you know what? That's fine by me. I used to be totally republican. And I changed my mind too.
The point is, people are allowed to change their mind on important political views. To me, that shows the ability to have an open mind. This presidential election has had a great influence on my political views as well. When Obama was first announcing that he was going to run for office, I was republican, and didn't think America should have a black president. But once I started researching the candidates, I changed to liberal. I think those who have an open mind, and can decide to vote for the best, and not just because it's whoever is running for their party, are the smartest ones. It really bothers me that republicans are only going to vote for McCain because he's republican. It bothered me when Mormons wanted to vote for Mitt just because he's Mormon. One of my LDS friends out here actually prayed for Mitt to be president. Then those SAME Mormons criticize Obama for changing his mind, when Mitt did the exact same thing.
To me, pulling the "flip flopping" card is an idea borne of desperation. Just one last note though, not to be pulling that same card, I just want you to be aware that just as many people accuse McCain of flip flopping as they do Obama. It's a double sided sword that won't accomplish anything, except petty name calling.
If you don't believe me, here's what McCain has flip flopped about:
"McCain, until recently, was pushing for a reform law that would require conservative groups to reveal their financial donors. But, after fielding protests from evangelical Christians and antiabortion activists, McCain decided a year ago to strip out the provision.McCain in 2000 assailed Bush's proposed tax cuts as a sop to the rich, and a year later, with Bush in office, he voted against those cuts, declaring that "the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle-class Americans." But two years ago, he switched sides and voted to extend tax cuts for the wealthy.
McCain in 1999 said that, "even in the long term," he would not support the repeal of Roe v. Wade because "thousands of young American women would be performing illegal and dangerous operations." But two years ago he said that he now favored repeal because "I don't believe the Supreme Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade."McCain in 2000 was incensed when a pair of Texas businessmen, Sam and Charley Wyly, bankrolled some Bush-friendly TV ads that distorted McCain's record. McCain declared at the time that their "dirty money" did not belong in national politics. But two years ago, McCain decided that their dirty money belonged in his campaign; he took $20,000 and allowed them to chair a McCain fund-raiser. (McCain later had to give back the money, because, it turns out, his new friends are reportedly under federal investigation.)
McCain, who has long deplored negative politics, defended John Kerry in 2004 when the Democratic candidate's war record was being impugned by the Swift Boaters. But today, one of McCain's top advisers is GOP hardball specialist Terry Nelson, who has worked as a consultant with one of the principal Swift Boaters. Nelson also produced the notorious `06 TV ad that implied, in the Tennessee Senate race, that the black Democratic candidate cavorted with white women.
McCain has voted against a federal constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, but last fall, regarding his own state, he supported an Arizona referendum that would have banned gay marriage.McCain in 2006 suggested that creationism was not a fit topic for the schoolroom: "I respect those who think the world was created in seven days. Should it be taught as a science class? Probably not." But he suggested the opposite in 2005 ("all points of view should be presented"), a year ago he was a keynote speaker at a confab sponsored by the Discovery Institute, a prominent creationism advocacy group."
Just so you're aware now that McCain is a flip flopper too."
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