- i don't believe joseph smith: regarding the first vision and the B.O.A. specifically.
- i don't believe that polygamy should ever be practiced in any form.
- i don't believe that you can "seal" people. while either alive or dead.
- i don't believe that you can prove something by a feeling you get.
- i don't believe the modern day "prophets" are "prophets".
- i don't believe in the temple ceremony
- i don't believe in wearing magic underwear
- i don't believe in not looking at all things objectively
- i don't believe that tea, coffee, or alcohol should be prohibited
- i don't believe that we are judged on our works and that there's 3 degrees of heaven
- i don't believe in faith
* i took down all the stuff i had written in hopes to "prove" to myself and everyone else that mormonism isn't true. the blog was originally titled "what I believe", but realized it wasn't even about what i believed. it was about how i didn't believe in the mormon church. so instead, i have made a list of why i don't believe in mormonism. I personally don't believe in this stuff. however, others are more than welcome to believe it, respectfully. if it makes you happy, then believe in it. it just didn't make me happy. i hope this is less offensive.
Hi. I don't know if I've ever met you before, but I have been to church a few times since I've moved back to Michigan in Jan. I would love to chat with you, but not on here, so you can check out my blog if you want and give me your email address if you don't mind. I feel like we have a lot in common- this blog really inspired me. Hope to talk to you soon~ Julie
I'm not sure I've ever seen the BOA explained any better. - John
If you are "Open" to ideas and think that anyone should be able to believe and read what they want, why are you publishing purely negative information about the LDS church without reading the scriptures or the Ensign articles or TPJS? Don't do yourself a disservice by not truly researching. There are many people who have written negative things about the church, but many who have written positive things. There are always two sides to every story, so don't miss out on the other side just because it is easier to read what someone wrote on Wikipedia.
I am open minded and do read both sides of the story. I research the scriptures, the ensign, the lds website, the "teachings of the prophet joseph smith" along with information that is valid and true even though it's not put out by the church. Everything I read that is not put out by the church, I confirm with lds resources. Just because the information I have found is not put out by the church doesn't make it untrue but certainly may make it negative. That's a hard one to swallow, but the information I publish IS true. Which is exactly why the church doesn't talk about it. It makes me angry that the church doesn't talk about it and instead teaches half truths.
I do believe that everyone can believe what they want and don't care if anyone is part of the LDS church, I just choose not to be. I cannot blantantly talk about my beliefs to anyone in person because everyone I know is LDS. So I have made a personal blog where I may share my beliefs. There is a disclaimer on the top so if what I say offends, upsets or doesn't jive with you, you don't have to read it. But I appreciate your comments! I hope this answered your questions and concerns. Thanks!
that is some serious research. woah.
This is so interesting because I found the same things a couple of months ago and it totally shook my faith... but then I took a look at these books:
A Challenge to the Critics: Diane E. Wirth
The Gainsayers: Darrick T. Evenson
The latter book is written by a "converted anti-mormon" Just like someone else said... there are 2 sides to every story. And these books don't disagree with the things you said... but they do add some interesting findings...
I totally respect your decision but I am just telling you my story. My experience with anti-mormon literature actually made me stronger because of the strong impression I had that we all make mistakes and so has this church and some Prophets... but that doesn't mean that the total Gospel is false. And it also pushed me to choose which life I wanted... I chose to live LDS... and that choice made me stronger!!!
Anywho, good luck with your journey!!! I wish you the absolute best! :)
Everything that you think the church is not talking about or telling only half the truth is found in Institute classes, Sunday School classes, and Seminary classes. Also there are many books written about these things. All you have to do is take advantage of what's available.
maybe you should have spent more time making sure i knew these things when you were raising me instead of assuming i'd learn everything i needed on my own. thanks- for nothing.
I'd have to disagree with the one of the above posts that says these things are taught in church books and institute classes. I've been to a lot of institute classes and Rick's College religion classes. I went to all four years of seminary and graduated from seminary too. I've read a lot of doctrinal books. They all hide the full truth about this naughty stuff. They'll say something like, "Polygamy was only practiced by about 2 or 4 percent of members in order to make sure all the women and families were taken care of." And that's just not true. The figure is more like 15 to 25% and we all know why it was practiced.
All my current Church leaders have had no idea what I am talking about. No one knows any of this stuff because the Church just does not teach it. They hide it and only tell parts of the story. So I disagree with the post above that says this stuff is found in "Institute classes, Sunday School classes, and Seminary classes." They'll briefly touch on it, but thats it. Sorry, but what you said is in itself just a "half truth."
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